The health and safety of our students and staff remains the number one priority in all we do at the Academy. Safety guides all our decisions especially during this year during the pandemic. From time to time we will be featuring the protocols and have you meet some of the behind-the-scene heroes that continue to keep all of us safe. This week we feature our morning temperature check team of faculty and staff who no matter the weather or conditions works with our students and parents to make sure all are safe! Every day all Academy staff, students and visitors fill out a Covid 19 Daily Screening Form and have their temperature checked before entering the building. These steps are just one of a series of steps the Academy is taking to keep all of us safe. Click HERE to read about our air cleaning procedures and click HERE to meet the team that is cleaning our facilities daily! If you need to print out or make copies of the daily form click below and make sure to check out the photos below!

Print out your Covid 19 Daily Screening Form