As a result of COVID-19, this has been such a challenging back-to-school season. The effort and dedication of our staff of music educators has allowed music education to continue despite the difficult circumstances.

Our live online lessons are now underway, along with a wealth of supplementary material we developed over the summer. Parents love that their children can continue to have a creative outlet, while students love playing their instruments again with their peers!

We look forward to getting back to in-person lessons, but for the time being we are so grateful for all of your support. It’s never too late for students to join the music program. Parents can be pointed to to learn about the program and to register. Please share this website with your entire student body to let them know.

Can we help?

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything we can do to provide help or support to ensure your school music program continues to thrive.


Hutch Effman
(516) 921-4543 ext. 102

Lou Varuzzo – Director of Education
(845) 452-8528 ext. 105