Hello OLMC Families!!

Ms. Barbara Verdonck

I know it’s been awhile since my last correspondence but I hope you know we are working hard to get the school ready for the 2020-2021 academic year. Thank you to everyone who emailed or called and shared your thoughts and concerns. They are always welcomed and appreciated.

Next week I plan to reach out to various grade levels via a zoom call to give you updates on what we have been doing in the school to get it ready as well as discuss a few things that pertain to your child’s particular grade level. Please check your email in the next day or two for the zoom invite.

I want to thank all of you who responded to our latest inquiry via a google form. The data received from this form gave us reason to change a few things. For example:

Before/After Care: For the time being, Before and After Care are cancelled. There are too many kids from various grade levels who needed these programs. Our ultimate goal in opening school is the health and safety of all involved. Putting these students together (even if in multiple rooms) goes against everything we will be doing all day long which is keeping our students safe and separate in their specific cohort.

Room Assignments: We had to alter our room assignment and entering/exiting plans due to the number of students who will be attending in-person learning. As of today, these changes mainly affect Grades 2, 4, and 5. Grade 2 will move from the Ttius Room to the auditorium. Grades 4 and 5 will move out of the auditorium and into the old 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms in the Primary Wing of the building.

More information on these changes will be discussed during our zoom call.

Also during the zoom call I will give you updates on the safety protocols that we have in place. This includes what we are doing in terms of air filtration, and cleaning of highly trafficked areas.

Faculty 2020-2021 School Year

Grade 8A and Middle School LA/Reading –  Mrs Cassidy

Grade 8B and Middle School Math – Mrs. Izzard

Grade 7A and Middle School Social Studies – Mr. Martin

Grade 7B and Middle School Science – Mrs. Edelmann

Grade 6A and Middle School Religion – Mrs. Essman

Grade 6B and Spanish – Mrs. Mezieres

Grade 5 – Mrs. Falcicchio

Grade 4 – Mrs. Colona

Grade 3 – Mrs. Hulse

Grade 2 – Ms. Gerlach

Grade 1A – Ms. Brennan

Grade 1B – Mrs. McCrudden

Grade Kdg – Ms. Murray

Grade PK4 – Ms Cornetta

Grade PK3 – Mrs Clifford

Technology – Mrs. O’Farrill

Theater Arts – Mr. Guerra

Phys Ed – TBA

Students will remain in their homeroom classes all day. Teachers will move from room to room.

Exception: PE Classes – Will be held outside (weather permitting). If not, classes will be held in the homeroom classroom.

Lunch: Lunch will be eaten in the homeroom classroom. Students must bring their own lunch. NO DELIVERIES ALLOWED DURING THE SCHOOL DAY.

As of 8/22/2020

8A and 8B3015132
7A and 7B3013134
6A and 6B3015132
1A and 1B2912125

To keep socially distanced, we can only have 15 students in a regular sized classroom.

A few other topics:

  • The supply list for all grades will be posted on our website this weekend.
  • Books – we will have a pick-up date for books for all virtual learners. Unfortunately at this time, I cannot give you a specific date as all the books are not in yet. We will let you know the date as soon as possible.

I know there are many unanswered questions out there. I will do my best to answer them when we have our zoom call. Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.

Stay safe, Warrior!!

Ms Verdonck