Warrior brother and sister duo Leyla and Zachary baked over 100 cookies, packaged them, made cards, and delivered them to 10 older mothers (most of whom are widowed) of our church community of St Anthony’s in Bergenfield this past Mother’s Day

The kids had a blast and their many “aunties” LOVED seeing them, even if it was from a distance.  Leyla said, “We are lucky because we get to spend our days together but they are really alone. They were so happy to see us. I was sad to realize how lonely they were. When can we visit them all again?” Zachary said, “I hope they liked our cookies. I like our cookies.”

Meanwhile OLMC Warrior Anya opened up a jewelry store on etsy where she is selling earrings ( all the proceeds go to a charity to remember those who have died from COVID 19), the brand of jewelry can be found on etsy entitled “athousandpebbles.” Anya says, “One pebble thrown in a pond causes a ripple whose impact can be felt far away. Just imagine all of us together, what kind of impact we could have.”

Great job Warriors!
Check out the photos below!