Dear OLMC Families,

I want to be sure to start off by saying how proud I am of our OLMC community – students, parents, and teachers. Our students have done an outstanding job in attending their on-line classes and with submitting their work. Our parents have been supportive and ever so helpful. Our teachers have gone above and beyond what has been asked of them. They have gracefully accepted the challenge that was presented to them and continue their dedication to our students each and every day.

Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Last week, our governor announced that schools in the state of NJ will not reopen this academic school year. I think we all expected it, but still it hurt when I heard it. The schools in the Archdiocese of Newark follow the mandates of our state so distance learning will remain in effect for the remainder of the school year. A letter from Barbara Dolan, Acting Superintendent of Schools, is posted on our website for your perusal.

This is difficult for all of us, but especially for our graduating class who will have to miss out on  significant celebrations that are associated with graduation. Please know that we are working on a virtual ceremony for our Class of 2020. Also, special events are being planned for our graduating PreK3, PreK4, and Kindergarten graduates, as well as our 5th grade Moving Up Ceremony. I will let you know of these plans as soon as possible.

We are also in the process of setting up plans for collecting textbooks, getting your personal items from the classrooms, and many other end of year items. I ask for your prayers and patience as our End of Year Task Force moves ahead in planning these events. I will send out a calendar of events for all these End of Year items as soon as our plans are finalized.

As you may be aware, 9 elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Newark are closing for good at the end of this school year. Our sister school, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, is unfortunately one of them. Many parents from this school have already contacted me to enroll their child at OLMC. Please, please, make sure if you did not re-register, you do so immediately as I cannot hold a seat for your child much longer. Please contact Mrs. Knowles as soon as possible and let her know if you plan on attending or not attending the Academy for the 2020-2021 school year.

In closing, I want to again say thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. Thank you for all the great surprises and thank yous for our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. Our OLMC family is truly amazing! Go Warriors!!!!

Ms. Verdonck

Interim Principal