May 6, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Archdiocese of Newark

Office of Catholic Schools

On Monday, May 4th Governor Murphy announced that schools in New Jersey will remain closed for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. The Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Newark will follow this directive. Students and teachers will continue remote learning until school ends in June.

The realization that students will not be returning to schools this year for in-person learning brings a sense of sadness. While we have adjusted to remote learning, the in-person dynamics of teaching and learning are sorely missed. However, we understand that the health and safety of all in our school communities and the broader community requires that we continue remote learning for the remainder of the school year.

School administrators have been planning for the possibility that students would not be returning to in- person learning for the 2019-2020 school year. In the coming weeks, your school administrator will communicate plans and procedures for ending the school year. We know that the Class of 2020 students are uniquely affected by this extended closure of school. I have no doubt that our school leaders will be creative in finding ways to distribute diplomas in a manner that adheres to all health and safety guidelines while honoring this important accomplishment.

We thank you for your understanding and support during these unprecedented times. Remote learning is one challenge among the many you have faced in the past two months.

We want to applaud the educators in the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Newark, and all educators, for working tirelessly to ensure that students continue to learn and move forward in their education.

And most importantly I want to commend students throughout the Archdiocese for their ability to adapt to remote learning. They continue to attend class, do classwork, confer with teachers, and submit assignments under very extraordinary circumstances. The lessons they have learned and skills they have developed over the past two months extend well beyond curriculum requirements.

Know that you and your families are in the prayers of all in the Office of Catholic Schools. Please continue to keep all affected individuals, families, first responders, and especially those on the front lines in your prayers.


Ms. Barbara Dolan
Acting Superintendent of Schools