March 31, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I wanted to provide a general update as Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Newark make their way through the third week of remote learning necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Governor Murphy’s executive order directs that all schools will remain closed until it is deemed by health officials safe to re-open. The governor has made it known that any consideration about re-opening schools will not take place until April 17th, at the earliest. Any statement about a date for re-opening schools is merely speculation at this point.

Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Newark will continue remote learning as long as the governor’s executive order is in effect. As we move into April, our schools will observe their scheduled Easter break. During the Easter break, remote learning will be suspended. This “time off” will provide everyone with a much-needed break from school and schoolwork. The administration and teachers in our schools made an abrupt, yet extremely successful transition to remote learning. They need time to catch their breath and prepare for the very real possibility that remote learning will continue well after Easter break.

I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as your school made this unprecedented shift to remote learning. I am sure there have been bumps along the way these past two weeks, but the manner in which our schools and families have adapted is amazing and speaks to the sense of community that exists within our schools.

Know that you and your families are in the prayers of all in the Office of Catholic Schools. Please continue to keep all affected individuals, families, first responders, and especially those on the front lines in your prayers.


Ms. Barbara Dolan
Acting Superintendent of Schools