Good evening OLMC Families…it’s Sunday, March 22nd and it’s Ms Verdonck here just checking in on you and hoping you are all well.

I hope everyone is getting all their assignments completed and handed in on time.

Interim Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Don’t forget to check your class webpage for updates and remember to check the specials pages as well.

The faculty and I have learned a lot this week so we are making a few adjustments to our distance learning plan.

We are in the process of adding google classroom for grades 1, 2 and 3. Hopefully this will help with consistency across grades 1 – 8. So Grade 1, 2, and 3, please be patient as we add each of the students to these classrooms. Please check your class web page for information on using google classroom.

The middle school has adjusted their time schedules so please make sure to check the webpage and/or google classroom for these changes. Many of these changes came from the recommendations of our students – so thanks guys for sharing your thoughts and ideas.

In about a week’s time we hope to have Classworks open up for our students in grades 2 – 8. This is an online tool similar in part to IXL. The teachers were trained in this program before school closed and it correlates to MapGrowth so we are hoping this will help our studies now and in the future.

I know things may not be perfect but you can be assured the faculty and administration are working hard to make this new normal as enriching as possible.

I like to continue our good deed awards so I’m asking parents to email me with the good deeds your children are doing at home. Let me know the random acts of kindness you notice in them. I would love to share some of them with our OLMC families. At the end of the week we will randomly pick one of our good deed students. That student will win a prize for their entire class. That prize will be determined at a later date.

We missed some birthdays last week. So happy birthday to:

Evan 8

Jack 6

Joshua 5

Aiden 4

Jaelyn 4

Anaya 2

Jett 2

Stella 1

Sophia 1

Marianna Kdg

Mr Martin

In the next few days I hope to be leading everyone in morning prayer. This information to join me will go out to you as soon as possible.

Again thank you everyone for your patience, and words of support and encouragement. We are in this together. With the support of our school community we can achieve great things. 


Be safe!

Ms Verdonck 

Interim Principal