Dear Families,

Hope you are all well. 

Interim Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Overall, Day 1 of distance learning was a success!!! I know some of you had some issues, but together we will make this work. I ask you to have patience and understanding as the faculty and I work to make this a true learning experience for your children. Students still are accountable for their work so please make sure they submit their assignments on time. If there is a problem, please email their teacher. Remember to check the teacher’s web page and to sign into Google Classroom for those classes who are using it.

Teachers will answer individual student questions, but please remember they are working with all their students. They cannot answer a student’s questions while they are with another class. They will get back to them as soon as they can.

Thank you for your patience as we work through these difficult times.

Be safe Warriors!

Ms Verdonck

Interim Principal