Dear Parents,

Wow! Where has the time gone! This week ended our second trimester. Time is sure going fast! With that being said, we are as busy as ever. Last month, Black History Month, was filled with activities both in grade level classrooms as well as gathering together as a school community. Thank you so much to all the parents who shared their time with us and made these presentations possible. It is greatly appreciated.

Interim Principal, Ms. Barbara Verdonck

Reports cards will be distributed this month along with the reports of the the winter session of MAPGrowth. One of the most important skills that we can all do well to strengthen ourselves is our ability to reflect on what we have been able to accomplish in the recent months and identify those areas that are ready to be learned. Observing your children’s growth over short periods of time is not an easy task as we do not see true, long-lasting gains over a couple of weeks. Instead, we all need to look at where the children began the school year or even where they were at this time last year. We can accurately measure students’ growth in between tests and understand if they are performing on, above, or below grade level. We look forward to sharing the results of these tests with you.

Our calendar is just as packed for the month of March. We will celebrate National Women’s’ Month as well as Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Our students will attend Stations of The Cross each Friday and be reminded of the Lenten Season that is upon us. Please remember to check our website for an updated list of all activities.

May the Lenten season bring you peaceful blessings.

Ms Verdonck

Interim Principal