Greetings OLMC Parents!

My sincere wish is that you are enjoying some quality family time creating special memories this Summer.  I am writing to let you know that I have been offered and am accepting a new position for the coming academic year, 2019-2020.  This new position is one that provides an opportunity for personal and professional growth and due to its nature is too good for me to pass up at this time in my life.

Miss Koval, OLMC Principal

I have spent three growth-filled years as your educational leader at OLMC and am grateful for the professional opportunity it afforded me.  Getting to know and teach your children has been a special blessing to me, and I will be forever grateful for the unique opportunity of watching them grow and develop into fine young people.  Thank you for sharing them with us at OLMC, and especially with me during the past three years. Each of you will always hold a special place in my heart. The memories I have made with you will never be forgotten.

I want to thank each of you for your contribution to the family atmosphere at OLMC, and for all the work you do to enrich the experiences we can offer to our students!  To those of you who are new members of our OLMC family, I know you will enjoy your experiences here and that the entire OLMC family will welcome you with open arms. I am confident that OLMC will continue to carry out the mission of 21st century learning coupled with strong Catholic values.While my resignation is not effective until August 31st, I will be taking some vacation time throughout the month of August.  Should you wish to be in touch, please call or send me an email, and I will surely get back to you.

May you enjoy the remaining days of Summer, and have a fantastic school year.  Thank you and may God’s blessings be with each of you and your families.

I ask that you please read the attached letter, by clicking HERE, from the Archdiocese of Newark with more pertinent information.

May God Bless you today and ALWAYS,

Miss Kelly Koval