We have traveled through three of the four seasons together during this 2018-2019 academic year, and we have enjoyed many experiences both challenging and rewarding. We have laughed and cried, studied and played, been vocal and quiet, experienced joy and sadness…we have grown!  Our God-given talents have been recognized, nourished, and developed. We are blessed to have been given the opportunity to worship together, to respect each other, to accept one another, and to learn from each other. Giving of self and sharing with others has been integral to our experiences at OLMC.

Miss Koval, OLMC Principal

Each of you have taught me many life lessons and I am proud to have served a third year as your Principal; as a member of our OLMC Warrior family. I have relished the opportunities as they presented themselves, opportunities for me to watch you ponder a challenge, work out a method and purposefully to tackle the task as presented, whether alone, with another, or in a group.  What a joy to watch you succeed! What an added bonus to watch you realize you needed to ask for assistance, have the courage to speak up, and accept the guidance offered. Thank you for all that you have taught me, thank you for our third year together, and most of all thank each of you for being you and being willing to share your gifts and talents with all of us at OLMC during each of the seasons that we have traveled together!

Please take the coming summer months to RELAX, RENEW, REJUVENATE!  While practicing these three R’s be sure to carve out a niche to Rejoice in the Lord through prayer and worship. May God bless you and keep you close. Wishing you all good things for the coming summer season…

May God Bless you today and ALWAYS,

Miss Koval