February 25, 2019

To the Parents and Guardians of our Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel students:

In fulfillment of our commitment made to you after our December Prayer Service, we are circulating this invitation for feedback to the Academy community. We are pleased to inform you that we have hired an outside Organizational Development specialist to facilitate our desire to continue to address concerns around various issues that have recently been brought to our attention.

Mary Rizzuti is the CEO of Compensation Resources, Inc., (CRI), which is a boutique, compensation consulting firm, located in Upper Saddle River, NJ. Through her work at CRI, Mary has engaged with hundreds of organizations in the not-for-profit and for-profit arenas, designing effective programs, delivering training, facilitating focus groups, and creating solutions to address a wide array of organizational challenges. Many of her clients are in the education space.

Personally, Mary’s formal education consisted of sixteen (16) years of Catholic School education (grammar school, high school and college). Her children (now 27 and 30 years of age), attended Catholic pre-school, grammar school and high school. Her exposure to various Catholic School environments provides her with additional perspective to contribute to this project.

As a first step, Mary is soliciting input from various OLMC individuals (parents, faculty, administration, etc.), so she may efficiently collect information and identify key areas of focus. Specifically, Mary will be seeking input relative to academic, administrative, communication, leadership, and student issues. We ask that your responses stay focused in these areas. We are hopeful that your feedback will be helpful in moving us toward our next Blue Ribbon. We suggest that the emails you send to Mary be one page, but no more than 2 pages.

Mary has set up a dedicated e-mail address to receive your input. The email is: olmc310310@nullgmail.com.

You may submit your input from Wednesday, February 27th through Friday, March 8th. Subsequent to and simultaneously within this time period, Mary will also be conducting interviews with other stakeholders.

Once Mary has gathered input from all concerned parties, she will prepare communication materials for delivering the outcomes of the interviews, and we will begin to develop an impactful plan which eliminates ancillary distractions, and focuses on bringing out the best that OLMC has to offer.

We look forward to commencing this initiative, and encourage your thoughtful, productive input.

Sincerely yours in Christ and Our Lady of Mount Carmel,

Fr. Dan O’Neill, O. Carm., Pastor

Miss Kelly Koval, Principal

School Board Members: Vincent Antonucci, Laura Cilano, Sharon Hajjar, Linda Hubschman,

Kenneth Kaufmann, Jacqueline Kaufmann, and Jean Kashmer