Thursday and Friday, March 21-22, 2019 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Odyssey Theatre

The entire Cast and Crew. Must wear athletic wear or gym uniform.

Dear Parents of the Cast and Crew of Life Afterlife,

All students are asked to donate $20.00 for the Cast dinner on March 29th and to donate a small case of small bottled waters for use by all crew and cast during the entire Tech run. Also, please make sure to have your child’s costume brought in by next week. The costume consists of an all white outfit, it can be a dress, jeans, sweats or leggings but must be white, it will be modified greatly, please nothing too expensive! The complete script can be found HERE.

For questions and more, please contact me with any thoughts or concerns at

I’ll be seeing you,

Elliot Guerra

writer/director, Life Afterlife