Spring has finally sprung! The pollen count has been very high over the last few weeks as everything is in bloom at once. If your child suffers from seasonal allergies, please see tips below for reducing/eliminating exposure to pollen/allergens during the school day and at home:
1.  Send your child to school with sunglasses to wear during outdoor activities. The sunglasses will help shield eyes from pollen.
2.  Wash hands/face when returning from outdoor activities to remove any pollen which may be on skin.
3.  Remind children not to rub eyes! If eyes become red/irritated by pollen, flush with eye wash or sterile water (or use eye drops if indicated by      physician).
4.  Avoid opening windows/doors when the pollen count is high. If possible, use air conditioning to reduce allergens inside.
Finally, if your child is suffering from seasonal allergies, contact his/her doctor to determine if medication is necessary to control allergy symptoms. Please note that students will only be excused from outdoor activities with a doctor’s written authorization! Feel free to contact me, Nurse Kelly with any questions and/or concerns related to seasonal allergies. (nurse@nullacademyolmc.org)