For the past 8 years, OLMC has supported MarbleJam Kids in hosting Joey Travolta’s Short Film Camp and housed it here at the Academy for the past 5 years. Joey Travolta, special educator and filmmaker and his crew of professionals teach students, 3rd grade and up, the art of film making from concept to creation. In 2 weekscampers learn everything from script development, pitching an idea, lighting, directing, acting, editing, and shoot a 60 min + digital short film. The focus is on collaboration and support of each other’s creative contributions. Joey’s program is more than impressive. He runs the show and the kids are drawn to him. ANYONE who loves film and wants to learn from the pro’s will love this camp!

Join us this summer for camp and see your work in the theaters next fall at a Red Carpet Premiere!

*OLMC Student camp applicants are exempt from the $200 Intake fee. Mention ‘OLMC Student’ in the application.