As we begin our annual celebration of Catholic Schools Week, we take the time to truly remember what being part of a Catholic School is all about. We continuously celebrate the faith life of our young people, coupled with academic knowledge, and service to others as expressed throughout the activities of Catholic Schools’ Week from January 28th through February 4rd 2017.

A long-time tradition in Catholic education, Catholic Schools Week became part of The National Marketing Campaign for Catholic Schools in 1991. This program is a collaborative undertaking by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

Catholic education is one of the great works of the church. Catholic School graduates have become leaders of this country, teachers, religious men and women and business entrepreneurs. Without doubt our schools have had a far-reaching impact on shaping the world.  This year’s theme stressing Learning, Serving, Leading and succeeding underscores important values that are the foundation of a Catholic school education.  Catholic school leaders are committed to making a difference, even at a very young age. Our goal is to graduate students who have strong moral standards coupled with excellent academic skills who will go on to become good citizens and reliable members and leaders of the workforce.  CSW is an opportunity to interest citizens in volunteering their time and talents, and locally, it gives us an opportunity to share our faith-filled academic accomplishments with the parishioners at OLMC and with the families of Tenafly and the surrounding municipalities.

We are pleased to announce that Justin has been selected as our Outstanding Catholic School Graduate for this year.  Justin is a living example of this year’s Catholic Schools Week theme…he is always willing to Learn new things… he goes out of his way to Serve those in need…he has proven by example that he is an outstanding Leader…and through hard work and steadfastness, he Succeeds in his many endeavors. Our OLMC community joins together to celebrate Justin’s many accomplishments, all of which contributed to being selected as the OLMC “Outstanding Catholic School Graduate”.  He has worked tirelessly to achieve this unique standing and his achievements stand as an example for the students who follow in his footsteps.

Justin will be honored at a ceremony at the Archdiocesan Youth Center in Kearney.  We join in celebrating Justin here at OLMC during Catholic Schools Week shining a light on his stellar character grounded in his strong faith life, his high academic achievements, and his exemplar role model as an example of what service to others really means.  Please join me in congratulating Justin as our OLMC Outstanding Catholic School Graduate!