Of the many special things the Academy of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has to offer is how many opportunities parents have to get involved in their child’s educational and social experience. Whether you’re a full-time working parent or not, OLMC has  In this monthly series, Parent Profiles, we’re getting to know some of our all-star Warrior parents to learn a little about them and maybe inspire you to get involved! This month we hear from Academy Advisory Board member Mr. Ken Kaufmann.

What grade(s) is your child(ren) in?

My daughter Ava, 5 years old, is in Kindergarten.

What is your profession outside of OLMC?

I am the president of CEP Technologies Corporation. CEP is a global engineering based ISO/TS 16949 certified progressive metal stamping company that focuses on tight tolerance, precision, high volume, global manufacturing stamping projects. We currently service our global customers via three factories located in Yonkers, NY; San Antonio, TX and Chengdu, China. Our customer designed product can be found in industrial and consumer applications ranging from water or gas meters on a person’s home to the car they drive.

How did you get started?

CEP has been a family run business for over 60 years. I am currently the third generation in my business. I have worked for CEP every summer since I was a teenager. Starting at such a young age I have performed every task there is at CEP.  After graduating Georgetown University, I wanted to experience a working environment outside of CEP and I spent my time on wall street during the 90s and early 2000s. Once I gained that outside experienced it was time for me to make a greater contribution to CEP and its continuing success. Threw my years of employment at CEP the most rewarding accomplishment was expanding our business into China. I was tasked to take a small to medium sized corporation and start an operation in China. So, in 2005 I did just that. I selected a wonderful city located in the southwestern part of China called Chengdu. I lived in Chengdu from 2005 to 2009 and built the factory from the ground up.  Once the factory was profitable it was time to move back to the USA. I still travel to China quarterly and have been doing it for years and it never gets old.  

What’s the most rewarding part of volunteering at OLMC?

The most rewarding part of volunteering at OLMC is participating in the continuation of traditions that have made OLMC what it is. The more I get involved the more I realize how special the OLMC community is.

Why should others get involved?

As parents we have undertaken an additional financial commitment in order for our children to attend OLMC. Our commitment as parents should not stop at that point as participating in the OLMC community is key.  We as parents should enjoy what OLMC has to offer just as much as our children enjoy attending the school. Getting to know the OLMC faculty and staff as well as other parents shows our children that the community they participate in everyday is special and should be cherished.  The memories our children experience now they will have forever.

Is there a funny, interesting incident or story that happened while volunteering at OLMC? or What’s your favorite thing about OLMC’s Academy?

So far my experience with OLMC has been a great one. The one thing I appreciate the most is the how the faculty and staff care and look out for our children. You can tell they are setting a great example from how our children treat each other. A fun fact was my youngest son played Jesus in the live Nativity during the Children’s Christmas Eve Mass in the theatre. As soon as we laid him in the manger he began to cry to the delight of everyone!

What would you say to the parent who feels they don’t have time or they are on the fence about volunteering?

Time is the most precious commodity we have as it is a scarce resource. Like many people do, I thought volunteering would require a time commitment that I just could not afford to do. I was wrong as there are many ways to participate that do not require much time.  If you have not volunteered as of yet, my best advice would be to try one event or function. Join a committee and tell the committee what you are willing to offer, big or small, it doesn’t matter. The fact that you decided to volunteer is what makes the OLMC community so special.