The OLMC Whitefriars Shakespeare Travel Club won six awards including Best Actress and the overall “Spirit of the Festival” award, the event’s highest honor. It was the first time since 2013 that the Whitefriars won the top prize at the Shakesperience festival at the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey in Madison. They also won student AND teacher Shakespeare Trivia Jeopardy and Trivial pursuit. Their traveling production of Hamlet isn’t done just yet- they have two more stops before the conclusion of their season. Congrats to all the winners!
Shakesperience! Winners
Melissa Rose, Matteo Petito, Alejandro Zayas, Elizabeth Kim
Best Actress-Jennifer Baer
Shakespeare Student Trivia-Elizabeth Kim
Spirit of the Festival-OLMC Whitefriars Shakespeare Club

See the slideshow and videos of the event below.